Wednesday, July 11, 2012




What is metabolism? Physical and chemical processes in an organism by which its material substance is produced, maintained and destroyed. Basically, your metabolism will make sensitive rate alterations in response to changes in the external or internal environment, such as physical or mental stress, hot or cold temperatures and changes in the body’s hormone levels. Many of us that was not sleep or playing in physics, chemistry or yeah…one of those scientific classes taught us some of the first basic principles…I think o..0  that energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change form. Therefore, unused energetic compounds found in food are either extracted as waste products or stored for future use, usually as fat. 


To avoid this unwanted energy storage Practice techniques that eliminate the energy surplus. Supplement with compounds that have been proven to optimize the body’s ability to use energy. Next time we will discuss some of the many supplements that may assist you and leave less confused…ahh confused and stupid is a word I use for myself please don’t be offended,lol.

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